Did you know?
Did you know?
On June 24, 1957, Mr. Charles Swenson presented the deed for "Gift Hill" to Mother Edane Volk. This gift from "Chick" Swenson was 40 acres of land. Pictured left to right are: Alex Asbridge and Walter Small, who also sold land to the sisters.
In a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Swenson, Mother Edane stated, "Great is the community's joy and gratitude over this substantial charity on your part. May the good Lord Himself be your reward "exceeding great."
- Gratefully and sincerely in St. Benedict, Mother M. Edane, OSB -
Did You Know?
Sister Nancy Miller of Annunciation Monastery serves as Director of Mission Integration at CHI St. Alexius Health? She has held this position since April 17, 2021, following Sister Mariah Dietz.
Part of her responsibility is to emphasize the mission and values at every level of the organization. This is critical for patient care, as well as in respecting one another, as employees, doctors, and nurses, encounter the day-to-day challenges of healthcare.
Sister Nancy, who was formerly prioress of Annunciation Monastery, appreciates the opportunity to remind people of the importance of spirituality in the workplace -- the connection to spiritual care and the health of patients.
Sister Nancy also enjoys sharing the history, mission, and values, with prospective physicians, and how they are integrated into every part of the culture of CHI St. Alexius Health.
Sister Nancy serves on the board and co-leads the Ethics Committee. This committee addresses life issues to make sure that they align with the ethical and religious directives of the Church.
*Pictured: Katherine Hedstrom, Executive Assistant to the President/CEO, CFO, and Director of Mission, visits with Sister Nancy Miller, Director of Mission Integration.
Did You Know?
This area by Our Lady of the Annunciation Chapel at the Benedictine Center for Servant Leadership/University of Mary, was a visiting parlor for receiving guests. A door in the space led to the sisters' private living quarters.
Did You Know?
Our Sisters enjoyed spending time on their rowboat on Apple Creek? August 1963
Did you know:
That Sister Ione Hilger, O.S.B. was adopted into the Rosebud Sioux Tribe on September 14, 1963. Sister Ione wrote "The First Sioux Nun," the life story of Sister Marie-Josephine Nebraska, S.G.M. 1859-1894, the first full blood Sioux to become a Catholic Sister. Sister Ione was given the Sioux name Ampa-Wicohpi which translates Morning Star. The late Sister Michael Kaliher, O.S.B., of Annunciation Monastery, did the illustrations for the book.