Sr. Rosanne Zastoupil

"I wanted to be of service to others."
When I was growing up, a frequently asked question was, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I remember responding, "A stewardess or a nurse." Imagine that! Both of these careers looked rather glamorous to a farm girl of 12 years of age.
When I reflect on those two options that I had chosen for myself, I see that they certainly are careers of service. Service was important to me even as a little girl.
Being the youngest of nine children, (seven brothers and one sister) provided me with "hands on" experience in providing service. The daily chores of milking cows, feeding pigs and chickens, ironing ALL the clothes, etc., nurtured my desire to provide service. My ability to provide service is one reason I entertained the thought of becoming a woman religious.
After high school graduation, I entered Annunciation Monastery and started college at what was then Mary College. I made vows in 1965.
Why did I choose the Benedictine way of life? I really don't know - but I do know that it is a mystery - not one to be solved, but to be lived.
*Sister Rosanne currently serves as treasurer and subprioress of Annunciation Monastery.