Sr. Rosemary DeGracia

I was raised in Rockford, IL, and has lived in Fresno, CA, for the past 30 years. I am a widow and a mother of five children. I studied French and philosophy and received my undergraduate degree in sociology from California State University, Fresno, where I also did graduate work in Public Administration. I worked as a senior analyst for the City of Fresno for 23 years and in volunteer ministry as RCIA director for my parish as a detention chaplain.
My midwestern roots helped me acclimate to North Dakota. As a Benedictine oblate for 12 years, I started discerning my call to religious life after my husband died. The idea of becoming a sister has been percolating for a number of years and I explored several Benedictine communities prior to God’s tug in this direction. The Benedictine balance between prayer and work, active and contemplative, and the Benedictine tradition all draw me. I have always had a monastic side.
Over the course of two years, I visited Annunciation Monastery several times, learning about the community and prayer life of the sisters. What attracted me to Annunciation Monastery was the liturgy, praying the Divine Office with the sisters. The prayer of the community was the most important aspect to me. That was when I really felt this is where I belong.
I consulted my children before applying for the sisters’ affiliate program and was affirmed by their support and encouragement. My oldest son explained my call as a “logical progression” in my life.
I enjoy knitting, reading, baking and I enjoyed my previous work in the office of the vice president at the University of Mary, one of the sisters’ sponsored ministries.
*Sister Rosemary currently serves as director of oblates at Annunciation Monastery.