Personal and Group Retreats

Personal or Directed Retreat
We invite women and men of all faiths to renew their spirit at our Hospitality Center. The prayerful environment allows you an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God in an atmosphere of natural beauty, solitude and restful quiet. Some of our guests choose to spend a few hours, while others stay a day or two. No matter what length of retreat you desire, the time is yours to enjoy in solitude or under the guidance of one of our spiritual directors (directed retreat).
Retreatants are welcomed to a comfortable room equipped with a bed, chair, closet and private bathroom. A cozy kitchenette is available if guests prefer to make meals on their own, or they are welcome to join the sisters for meals. Prayer is the most precious time in our community. Guests are always welcome to join the sisters for prayer.
Suggested donation for personal retreats is $40/per day
Suggested donation for directed retreats is $55/per day
*The suggested donation is a freewill offering to help meet expenses. However, no one in need of services will be turned away for lack of finances.
Group Retreats
If your faith-based group is in need of a meeting space or time for reflection, Annunciation Monastery has comfortable facilities and beautiful outdoor walking paths for breaks. You may provide your own leader, or request a speaker/facilitator from the monastery. Meals and refreshments can be arranged.
Suggested donation can be discussed when you call to make arrangements.
For more information, please call (701)255-1520