Monastic life has a distinct rhythm that can best be understood by experiencing it. We enjoy opening our home to women who seek a deeper relationship with God and are discerning if God is calling them to this life. It is rare to immediately recognize a call to become a sister; rather, it is often explained as a 'tugging at the heart' to a different purpose. That is why we continually invite women to explore their vocation with us in a safe and welcoming environment.
Frequently Asked Questions
We know you probably have a lot of questions about becoming a sister. Below we've put together a list of some of the most frequently asked questions from our friends and families.
What do sisters do?

That's a tough question to answer because we are as diverse a group as any! The framework of each day is spent in daily praise and lectio (private prayer time). We sisters are in different ministries such as teachers, nurses, vocation directors, leaders in Christian leadership, in administrative and leadership positions at our sponsored institutions. Others serve in the monastery as archivists, secretaries, liturgy leaders, musicians, treasurers, cooks, directors of various ministries such as our hospitality center, etc. Many of the sisters have hobbies like you! We walk, exercise, knit, crochet, quilt, bake, write poetry, play instruments, read, listen to music, etc! And we celebrate feast days, birthdays, special occasions - we find any reason we can to rejoice and praise God!

How can I tell if God is calling me to become a sister?

First of all, listen to God with an open mind and heart. Pray about God's plan in your life. It would benefit you to communicate with the vocation director of a monastery about your interest. She may guide you through the process of discernment. Many monasteries, such as ours, welcome women to spend time getting to know the sisters and their way of life. The internet may give you more of the answers you are seeking. Log on to monastic web sites and explore. We Sisters of Annunciation Monastery feel the best way is to invite women to "Come and See" what this life has to offer.
What do sisters wear?

This may sound like a funny question but it is one we are often asked. Sisters dress appropriately for the occasion, as you do! When we work, we dress in professional attire - in suits, slacks/skirt and blouse, dress, etc. We also dress this way when we pray. However, in the evening and on weekends, many of us love to throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt or a sweat suit. See, we're not so different! Some of our sisters choose to wear a veil or traditional clothing, which is fine. As you can see by our photos, we are all individuals.
We wear a ring on our left hand to symbolize our life with Christ as Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery. Our ring has a special symbol on it that identifies us as a Benedictine monastic community. Our sisters often wear the Benedictine medal on a necklace.
Can I still see my family if I decide to become a sister?
Of course! That's another wonderful thing about being a Benedictine sister. We live in community so we have our "community family" and we also have our family (relatives) and friends whom we visit. Family members visit us here at Annunciation Monastery as well.
To truly experience our Benedictine, monastic lifestyle, please consider attending one of our 24-hour live-in experiences. If one of our scheduled live-ins conflicts with your schedule, we can set something up that works for you! This will give you a chance to pray and live with our community, get to know our sisters, and will allow quiet time for reflection as you search your heart to see if you have a vocation to religious life. For more information, see below.
If you would like to have your questions answered personally or would like to schedule a visit, contact our vocation director, Sister Idelle Badt at (701)255-1520. You can also send her an email at: