Ash Wednesday Reflection
March 2, 2022
Sister Nicole Kunze, Prioress
In today’s Gospel reading at Mass, Jesus reflects on almsgiving, praying and fasting, the traditional practices highlighted by the Church to help us prepare for the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter. I would like to suggest some practices you may take up this Lent.
Almsgiving is a way to thank God for being generous to us and it calls us to imitate that generosity toward those in need. Giving monetary alms is the typical form of almsgiving we consider. Some of us may find that giving of our time may be more of a sacrifice than giving from our monthly budget. I’d invite you to take time to volunteer with a local charity or to reach out to someone who could use your assistance in some way. Be generous to someone in need.
I encourage you to take more time for prayer during this season. Take time to read a spiritual book or spend more time in quiet. Some people choose to not spend time on electronic devices or the internet during Lent, but there are some great resources available through email or internet with daily or weekly reflections. Some suggestions include Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever and Bishop Robert Barron’s daily reflection.
Fasting provides us an opportunity to reflect on the ways we attempt to satisfy ourselves with food, drink, or material things. By fasting, we allow ourselves to open spaces in order to let God fill us with what truly satisfies. I know many of us usually give up various sweets or foods during Lent and I encourage you to continue that. I’d suggest a new type of fast, one where we get rid of the “stuff” we have accumulated over the years. I encourage you to go through your possessions this Lent and let go of what you don’t need anymore.
May all of your practices this Lent bring a true inner conversion to your heart. May God bless your Lent.