Oblates of Annunciation Monastery

What does it mean to be a Benedictine Oblate?
The Oblates of Annunciation Monastery are Christian individuals or couples who have associated themselves with a Benedictine Community in order to enrich their Christian way of life.
They shape their lives by living the wisdom of Christ as interpreted by St. Benedict. They seek God by striving to become holy in their chosen way of living. By integrating their prayer and work, they demonstrate Christ's presence in society.
Oblates of Annunciation Monastery concern themselves with striving to be what they are, people of God. Their prayer life flows from this awareness, as does their willingness to offer themselves for the service of God and neighbor to the best of their ability.
These men and women promise to lead an enriched Christian life according to the Gospel as reflected in the Rule of St. Benedict. In this way they are in the spiritual benefits of the women and men of Benedict who are dedicated to the monastic life by vows.

Welcome to our new Oblates of Annunciation Monastery - Oblation October 15, 2023
On October 15, 2023, a beautiful autumn day, we welcomed six new Oblates of Annunciation Monastery: Loann Hardy, Ramona Martinez, Michael Taylor, Audrey Ternes, Cindy Weigum, and Brenda Zastoupil. We are so happy to have you with us as we seek God together!
During Eucharistic Liturgy and our afternoon oblate meeting, our current oblates also renewed their oblation. We are deeply grateful for these women and men who add so much to our lives and faith journey.
Thank you and God bless you all!
Welcome Back, Oblates of Annunciation Monastery and Those Interested in the Program
All are welcome at our gatherings! Please bring your friends and share your experiences as oblates. Visitors encouraged!
Each year the monastic community follows a topic for ongoing formation. This program recognizes that we are always beginners, always learning and being open to God's formation in our lives.
Oblate gatherings occur monthly from September through May--usually on the first Sunday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. During Advent and Lent, a full-day Sunday retreat will occur on the scheduled gathering date.
Oblate Gathering Information 2024/2025
2024 - 2025 SCHEDULE
Each year the monastic community follows a monastic topic for ongoing formation. This fall, however, the sisters will be following a different topic guided by our most recent six-year plan. We will be presenting for the 2024-25 oblate year the topic of Stewardship and Simplicity and inviting sisters to join us. The schedule listed below reflects the content of each monthly gathering and the materials that will be discussed that month. Articles for discussion will be provided at least the month prior to the discussion. There is no “assignment” for September, but we will show a short video and discuss it.
Gathering dates:
September 15, 2024
1-3 PM (Welcome back potluck at 12:30 pm)
Members of the Oblate Advisory Committee will give us an update on the Oblate program and a report of the summer gathering - North American Ass'n of Benedictine Oblate Directors held in July
October 6, 2024
11 AM-3 PM
Oblation of oblate candidates and renewal of oblations at the 11 AM Eucharistic Liturgy. Reflection on our own experiences of final oblation.
November 10, 2024
10 AM-3 PM
Special presentation by Oblate Michael Taylor on the Roots and Contemporary Expression of Irish Benedictine Monasticism.
December 8, 2024 - Advent Day of Reflection - Prioress Nicole Kunze, Presenter
Theme: Come, Lord! Watching, Waiting, and Hoping this Advent
During the Advent season, we prepare ourselves to celebrate Christ’s birth. In a series of three talks, Sister Nicole will share her reflections on the actions of watching, waiting and hoping as we await the coming of the Lord.
10 AM-3 PM
Please feel free to invite guests!
Distribute January reading – First Section The Meaning of Monastic Stewardship by Fr. Matthew Leavy, OSB
Pages 227-232 ending “St. Benedict.”
January 12, 2025 Discussion of January reading
1 PM-3 PM
February reading distributed. Pages 232-236 ending “balanced ecology.”
February 2, 2025
1 PM-3 PM
Discussion of February reading. No article for March.
March 9, 2025
10 AM-3 PM
Lenten retreat –presenter to be announced. Please feel free to invite guests!
Distribution of April reading pages 236-248.
April 6, 2025
1-3 PM
Discussion of April reading
May 4, 2025
12:30-3PM Closing Potluck
Day of Reflection & Dialogue/monastic updates/evaluation of the past year

The Rule of St. Benedict
For more information on Benedictine Oblates visit:
Formation Program for New Oblates
Pursuing a growing relationship with God through the Benedictine tradition as an oblate is a discernment process similar to the staged process our sisters take.
1. As you feel called to this commitment, oblates begin with a process of Inquiry during which individuals attend gatherings, study the Rule of St. Benedict, and begin conversations with the oblate director.
2. Those wishing to begin formal preparation as an oblate will be received as a Candidate for a period of at least one year. At this time, monthly formation sessions will begin, and an oblate mentor is selected to share the experience of living the oblate life.
3. Formation culminates with a ceremony of Final Oblation celebrated during a Sunday Mass--usually on the first Sunday of October. Oblates are invited annually to renew their oblation as a sign of their recommitment to the Benedictine way of life and affiliation with Annunciation Monastery.
For more information on the Oblates of Annunciation Monastery, please contact our oblate director, Sister Rosemary DeGracia, at 701-255-1520 or by email: oblates@annunciationmonastery.org
If you are not on our oblate mailing list and would like a copy of the most recent newsletter, please let us know.
Thank you and God bless you! We keep you in our prayers.

Sister Rosemary DeGracia, Oblate Director