Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday 6:45 am
Saturday 11:00 am
Sunday 8:00 am
Midday Prayer
Monday - Friday 11:30 am
Evening Prayer
Sunday, Saturday 5:00 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 5:00 pm
Sunday 11:00 am
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am
Saturday 11:30 am

Our monastic community gathers three times a day for common prayer which we call Liturgy of the Hours, the prayer of the Church. During Liturgy of the Hours, and during our Eucharistic Liturgy, we pray for individuals, events, projects, and peoples throughout the world.
As monastic women, we believe prayer touches and transforms hearts. Prayer is our main ministry. While we always pray for the needs of our world, we have committed to setting days of contemplation for specific intentions throughout the year. It is our hope that the public also pray for these intentions on designated dates. By connecting in a chain of prayer, we can become a unified and powerful force for good in our region and the world.